The NIH RePORTER allows users to search a repository of NIH-funded research projects and access publications and patents resulting from NIH funding. Here, we have narrowed the results to include only research projects relevant to the keyword, “RCMI.”
NIH Reporter Projects Filtered by RCMI | Go to NIH RePorter
Project / Principal Investigator / Organization | Admin IC | Funding IC | FY Total Costs By IC | Fiscal Year |
A Randomized Controlled Study to Test the Effectiveness of Developmental Network Coaching in the Career Advancement of Diverse Early Stage InvestigatorsOFILI, ELIZABETH O. | MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE | NIGMS | OD | $718,381 | 2022 |
Enhancing Diversity through IHSAN (Interdisciplinary Health disparities and data Science trAiNing) ExtensionOFILI, ELIZABETH O. | MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE | NIMHD | OD | $355,000 | 2022 |
Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) Coordinating CenterOFILI, ELIZABETH O. | MOREHOUSE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE | NIMHD | NIMHD | $949,878 | 2022 |